Arcada makes higher education accessible to all asylum seekers and refugees 

Published: 26.09.2023 / Education

Arcada University of Applied Sciences grants full scholarships to asylum seekers, refugees and persons who have applied for temporary protection in Finland. By covering all education costs, Arcada aims to improve access to higher education.

Arcada has previously offered people who have fled the war in Ukraine the opportunity to pursue higher education at no cost, but now extends the decision to include all bachelor and master students who are asylum seekers, have refugee status or have applied for or been granted temporary protection in Finland.

"As a higher education institution, we want to contribute to an inclusive and humane world. I consider it essential that higher education is accessible to everyone, including those coming from challenging circumstances. There is still much work to be done, but this decision is a step in the right direction and a way for us to help create a society that is a little more welcoming and compassionate," says Arcada's Rector Mona Forsskåhl.

No requirements for study achievements during the first academic year

The scholarship covers the entire tuition fee for the first academic year without any requirements for academic performance. To be granted a full degree programme scholarship, the students must provide documentation of their status to Arcada's admissions service. Thereafter, to maintain the scholarship, students only need to show that their status has not changed for each new academic year.

If the student’s status changes so that they no longer are an asylum seeker, have refugee status or are granted temporary protection, the students may be granted a scholarship according to the general criteria applicable to other fee-paying students.

The decision applies to all students starting their studies on or after 1 January 2024.

1561 kilometers from Helsinki to Ukraine documented by Arcada’s students

In the learning environments for media students at Arcada University of Applied Sciences, a 1561-kilometer charity relay is being transformed into visibility for the organisation “The Caravan to Ukraine”. Community engagement and making a difference are important, says the student team behind the editorial office.

Category: Education

There is no age limit for saving lives

Being able to recognise an emergency, call for help and start resuscitation can be the difference between life and death in a sudden cardiac arrest. Arcada University of Applied Sciences participates in the Kids Save Lives project that teaches children how to act in emergency situations.

Category: Education